
Home / Curriculum / Toddlers


2 Years Old

Toddlers are like detectives and scientists! Your toddler investigates and solves problems by touching, looking, manipulating and listening. As master sleuth’s, your toddler starts to understand relationships between people and objects. Your toddler becomes your best friend!

Skills that Children Will Learn

Foundational Concepts

In order to explore what is around them, toddlers use their physical abilities to get around as well as their critical thinking skills as they try to make sense of what is taking place at any given time. At Chris’ Learning Center, Inc. we have a curriculum that aims to heighten their cognitive skills and their physical abilities in order to create a solid base moving forward.

During the toddler era, they are:

  • Self-reliant – This is the potty-training phase of “I want to go to the potty on my own”
  • Explorers of the world around them
  • Eager to walk, run, jump, roll and climb as they experiment with their physical abilities
  • Creative storytellers as their imagination emerges and creates a world around them that they enjoy and want to share with others

Daily Schedule

Like other kids, toddlers learn at their own pace, and we provide the curriculum to help them grasp concepts.

Activities include:

  • Music activities
  • Group curriculum work and play
  • Outdoor movement activities (weather permitting)
  • Storytime
  • Gross motor activities
  • Solo/Group play
  • AM/PM restroom breaks (if needed, potty training activities)
  • Lunch/Snack time

Detailed Daily Schedule (PDF)

Note: Potty training is at an additional cost. Please contact CLC, inc. for details.